Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Shannon Hope

If you ever felt like your dreams were never meant to be, then you need to look at Shannon Hope.  She decided to leave her so called day job behind and follow her dreams.  Made me think of a quotation: Be the change you want in the world.
So many of us never stand up for what we want, and never achieve greatness.
We always sell ourselves short and make excuses for not taking the plunge.  I am very happy that Shannon decided 3 years ago to go and share her greatness with the world.

Her powerful voice is intoxicating and her stunning lyrics fills your soul with "hope".  Close your eyes when you listen to her songs and really feel every single note. The piano becomes part of her fingers as she softly and perfectly touches the keys. I have not heard a brilliantly powerful voice like hers in a while, she hides it in the soft moments, but strongly states her presence as she looses herself in her song. I promise you will feel stronger while listening to her and you will want more of her soul in sound.

There is always space on this earth for people that dream big and go for it full blast.  I read a article in Rolling Stone magazine that her shows are not selling out.  First thing that came to my mind is this is ridiculous, what can I do?  Well I can write about it and tell every person I know about her, and if every person I know also tells someone we can actually all stand behind her.  We as South Africans feel passion, dream passion, breathe passion and her music just shows this in so many ways.

I can not wait to hear and learn more about Shannon Hope.

Look her up and if she is in your town go to a show, lets support her dreams.  Maybe you will find your own dreams while listening to her amazing talent.

Shannon Hope - Facebook
Shannon Website


Charles Gramlich said...

I've not heard her before but will certainly be listening from now on.

Drizel said...

She is so talented. :)