Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Cuzin-Itt Project

The softer side sometimes has more power than one expects.  If you write from the soul and let it out through your music, the world will stop and take notice.  The Cuzin-Itt Project is one man's journey from the safety of a band to the nakedness of a solo career.  He stripped down to his core and started playing out loud the songs he has been writing and singing silently for years.

Leave a legacy when you have wisdom to share, leave a memory that will make a difference.  The need to share the roughness through his silky voice will make you think back on days when life was lived.  It reminds you that all of us has memories, and you have to move forward to grow.  You have to feel the pain to be great and you have to be naked to be brilliant.

Dixen is a vastly talented musician that is self thought on a few instruments.  Like I mentioned to him that if you are meant to be a musician nothing will stop you to get there.  You do not need fancy training, or spend thousands of rand's on music teachers.  Yes don't get me wrong they have their place, my point is just if you have a song to sing, sing.  If you have a melody to share, stand on your soapbox and make it known.

I enjoy every little soft, stunning note, every powerful word.

I really know that nothing will go wrong and life will not be dreadful the day he unpacked his bags and shared his journey with us.

I wish you luck and know you will leave the memory of you where ever you go.

Reverbnation NR 1 in PE, 19 in SA :)
Sound Cloud


Huis Najaar said...

leka man

Huis Najaar said...

leka man

Charles Gramlich said...

I guess sometimes you've got to go a little softer. Only in my fifties can I start to admit that.